
October 27, 2011

Is Stem Cell Therapy Here to Stay?

Filed under: National Football League — Giorgio Varlaro @ 2:53 am

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With the pressure of winning looming over every professional athletes head in today’s athletics, no athlete wants to let a teammate down. Due to this, many play hurt which has resulted in long lasting injuries which sometimes do not forth come until a professional is a decade or two beyond their playing days.

Some athletes recently have resorted to stem cell therapy to deal with nagging injuries in hopes of staying away from surgery. Two prominent names and professional football players are Peyton Manning and Terrell Owens. Over this past summer, each traveled outside of the United States with the intentions of having an injury taken care of.

Manning, who has already had two surgeries on his neck in the past five years, sought stem cell therapy in Europe with the hopes of avoiding a third surgical procedure.

Owens went to Asian and Korea after going under the knife to fix an ACL injury in late June. His intentions were to decrease the typical 12-month rehabilitation time associated with the injury.

As of today, both Manning and Owens are still not on the field. Manning still had to go under the knife a third time to fix a bulging disk, but Owens has recently held a workout for all 32 NFL teams. And from the looks of it, Owens seems to be able to pass a physical which is remarkable.

Stem Cell Therapy is considered a controversial medical treatment, thus why it’s not allowed to be practiced in the United States. Stem Cell Therapy involves injecting cells taken from the patient’s own body which are then put back into spots where an individual has injuries. The cells then repair the damage.

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